Back in the 80's there was this comedian known as Yaakov Smirnoff (I hope I spelled that right because I am too lazy to look it up!). He played the part of a recent Russian immigrant to the U.S., and his whole act was based upon the culture shock he felt when he compared the New World to his old homeland. He would often exclaim the phrase "What a Country!" in reference to his excitement over things in the U.S. which we took for granted, like supermarkets with stocked shelves for instance.
While Mr. Smirnoff's observations were meant to be humorous, he did illustrate the serious point about how lucky we all are to be living in a free and prosperous society. Of course, that not only applied to the U.S., but to many other "first world" countries as well. Since I am a biased resident of the U.S., I will use that country as an example, but I do not want to exclude other fine nations which are equally free.
Many times you hear about people who bemoan their "bad luck". They complain about how fate has conspired against them to somehow limit their opportunities. They feel sorry for themselves that they haven't achieved the success that they believe that they deserve. To them, I say this: stop looking for pity, grow up, and make some different decisions in your life.
I don't care if you weren't born into a rich family. I don't care if you are a single parent. I don't care if you have credit card debt. I don't care if you have some other perceived disadvantage that you feel holds you back. It is all in your mind. You are living in the United States - the so-called Land of Opportunity. You can make your life better. You can be a success. All you have to do is to want to change. The old song about New York says that if you can make it there then you can make it anywhere. If the song was about the U.S, the words would be slightly different:
"If you can't make it here, you can't make it anywhere!"
So you weren't born into a rich family. So what? I wasn't born into a rich family, at least from a monetary standpoint. However, I worked hard in school and did well enough to get accepted to Princeton University. I went to a public school, and not even the best public school. It was a middle-of-the-road public school. There were other classmates of mine who went to even worse public schools than me who had a harder road to travel. However, they made it to Princeton, too. I had one classmate who went to a school that I would consider to be in a "tough neighborhood". His family were immigrants from another land who barely spoke English. However, this was a person who worked very hard to get the most out of his public education, and he ended up getting a full scholarship at the world's elite university. Today he is an doctor with a very successful and rich life, in terms of his happiness. Here was a person who had the deck stacked against him, but he didn't feel sorry for himself. Instead, he decided to work hard, and he was rewarded. Was it luck? Not a chance! It was determination. What a country!
[And if you think that he was just lucky to be smart enough to get accepted to Princeton, you may be right about that. However, there are plenty of successful people from poor backgrounds who went to other colleges, too.]
So you are a single mother? Yes, you made a bad decision by letting yourself get pregnant. I am not going to sugar-coat that. However, that doesn't mean that your life is over. First, you have a wonderful child whom I am sure you would not trade for anything. Second, we live in a generous country. There are plenty of opportunities to get help to better your life. There are programs in place to help with child care so you can get yourself an education and learn a trade. My mother used to teach electronics to "disadvantaged" adults. This program paid for the classes, provided child care if necessary, and provided job placement once the program was completed. Some of her students were there only because otherwise they would lose their unemployment or welfare benefits. They goofed off, cut classes, and ended up regretting it. Then there were others who took this opportunity and ran with it. They soaked up the knowledge that was being provided to them, realizing that this could be their ticket to success. Those that embrace the program are now off the welfare rolls and making a better life for themselves and their children. There are countless programs like this, both public-funded and privately-funded, that you can take advantage of if you have the desire. What a country!!
If you have credit card debt, then the solution is well within your means. Either you have to stop spending or start earning more. Unfortunately, we live in a cosumer society where we are judged by our possessions. This causes some people to spend more than they can afford to keep up with their friends. However, if you get caught up in this trap, you have nobody to blame but yourself. On the other hand, the solution is at hand. Spend less!! Do you really need that iPod or those $150 sneakers? Probably not. However, if you really want those things, then go back to school and earn a degree or learn a trade (see above). Can't afford school and don't qualify for a special program? Then you will just have to work and go to school at the same time. Many companies offer programs to employees to pay for a degree. Will it be hard to work and study? You bet! Is it possible? You bet! Thousands of people do it every year. Another plus is that you won't have time for all that partying and spending, so you won't be running up those big credit card bills. Take advantage of community colleges, which are the best deal around. Your tax dollars are subsidizing them, so use them! What a country!!
For generations, people have come to this country with nothing more than the clothes on their backs and the change in their pockets, and they have found a way to succeed. My family alone has many such stories like that. If they can build a comfortable life for themselves with nothing at all, then why can't everyone? After all, living here already we have a built in advantage. The only thing that we are missing is the drive and determination. Walking out my door, I see all sorts of "immigrant" small businesses run by people who aren't afraid to work hard at something. Sure it isn't glamorous running a convienence store, a cleaners, a gas station, a cleaning service. However, sometimes you have to use a little elbow grease to get ahead.
If you are lazy and sitting on your backside feeling sorry for yourself, think about the people who live in Darfur, or in Gaza, or in many other places in the world where the opportunities are limited. If you told them that you are feeling sorry for yourself, their response would be, "Why are you feeling sorry for yourself. You live in a great land of hope and promise. I would trade places with you in a heartbeat".
So PLEASE remember that you are living in a great country where you can achieve whatever you want. All that is required is hard work and dedication.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
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